
My name is Amanda,  owner of Feel Good Now Counseling.

2881 E Oakland Park Blvd, ST 113, Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33306.

 (954) 593-3799

LGBTQ Counseling

LGBT's have unique experiences of discrimination and culture that are not often understood by others. One such experience is growing up. Many have felt different from a very early age, long before the feelings were sexualized. Some felt alienated from our peers and are even ridiculed in childhood. This may even be compounded with the rejection from family members and friends upon "coming out." All this may leave emotional scars that may stay well into adulthood. Many patients seek therapy to closing the gap between how their life IS now, and how they would LIKE it to be. The services you will you receive can help you resolve current issues and challenges in your relationship, career, finances, mood, health, sex life, and social life, among others.  These challenges can undermine your quality of life and keep you from living your life to your fullest potential; therapy and coaching can help you overcome these issues and thrive again.



Coming Out

Couples Counseling


Parents of Questioning Teens

Substance Abuse

Transgender Issues


Family Therapy

Family Therapy

Transpersonal Therapy

Transpersonal Therapy